Donor Determined to Shine Light on Cancers of the Hepatobiliary System Gives Second Donation of $10K



Donor Determined to Shine Light on Cancers of the Hepatobiliary System Gives Second Donation of $10K to the Bili Project Foundation

Funds will go toward the American Society of Clinical Oncologists Young Investigator Award

San Francisco (March 5, 2018) – The Bili Project Foundation has received a grant of $10,000.00 from one of its devoted supporters and Biliever’s, Ana Gonzalez.  Ana Gonzalez, founder of the Yli Believe Foundation, contributed this grant in honor of her dear father, Pedro Gonzalez.  He was the loving and dedicated father to Ana, her sisters and brother, until he lost his battle with liver cancer much too quickly in 2017. Ana has believed in the Foundation’s mission since its inception in 2012. Prior to her father being detected with cancer, Ana, through her foundation gave its first grant of $10,000.00 to The Bili Project Foundation.  When her father was diagnosed, Ana stated, “they were the first people we reached out to for support when we received the news that my father had just been diagnosed with advanced liver cancer”. Without their support, we were lost! My dad, prior to passing, wanted to make certain that we let The Bili Project Foundation know how much he appreciated all the support, calls, and education he received.” Although Ana and her family greatly miss their Dad, his spirit lives on in their generous grants and with The Bili Project Foundation’s continual efforts to cure this cancer and help others have a fighting chance.

“These cancers remain one of the deadliest and hardest to detect. We greatly appreciate the Yli Believe Foundation endowments and the current funding will go towards our partner foundations collaboration of a Young Investigator Award that will be granted in Chicago at the 2018 American Society of American Society of Clinical Oncologists Annual Meeting,” said Sue Acquisto, Co-founder of The Bili Project Foundation.

The Bili Project Foundation was founded by Sue Acquisto, the wife of Vince Acquisto, and his business partner Joy Stephenson after Vince was diagnosed and quickly passed from bile duct cancer, a type of hepatobiliary cancer as is liver cancer. The Bili Project Foundation, with its all star research team from UCSF, aims to find an early detection test and cure for this cancer. The research team works hard to accomplish significant advancements in this research and help provide the best treatment possible for patient’s with bile duct, liver or gall bladder cancer.   In achieving this goal, we work with patients and their families/caregivers to provide them education and information to navigate their way through treatment. The Bili Project Foundation is also part of the GI Cancers Alliance. A group committed to the fight against gastrointestinal cancers, which include many of the leading cancer killers.  For more information on hepatobiliary cancer and to donate or become a “Biliever”, please visit

About The Bili Project Foundation
Hepatobiliary Cancers, the 6th leading cause of cancer death within the United States and the 3rd leading cause of cancer death worldwide, have somehow managed to keep a low profile as compared to other Cancers until recently.  The Bili Project Foundation plans to bring this quick and silent killer into the spotlight and aims to reduce the INCIDENCE and IMPROVE THE OUTCOMES by promoting research to identify diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets in this complex and heterogeneous group of diseases. These cancers are huge cause for concern as they are notoriously difficult to diagnose, resistant to standard therapies, and under-funded.  This type of Cancer is on the rise in the U.S., with increasing numbers of cases projected in coming years. For these reasons, The Bili Project Foundation was created to fill this area of urgent unmet medical need.




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