5 Fastest Moving Cancers Include Pancreatic and Liver!

In a recent article posted by Dr. Oz, he names Pancreatic cancer and Liver cancer as 2 of the 5 fastest moving cancers, both of which are part of the Hepatobiliary system.


Below is small excerpt from the Dr. Oz article:

Some cancers move slowly through your body, giving you time to catch them. But others move like a freight train – and wham. By the time you notice their warning signs, it’s too late.

How can you protect yourself against such deadly calamities? First, early detection is critical. Knowing exactly what your risks are will help guide early detection and arm you with the best solutions for prevention.

Start with this life-saving information on five of the fastest-moving cancers: pancreatic, brain, esophageal, liver and skin.

PANCREATIC CANCER: The Cancer You’re Most Likely to Miss
Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest. Of the approximately 44,000 people diagnosed each year, 38,000 will die. Part of the problem with detection involves where the pancreas is located – hidden deep in the back of the abdomen. Too often, by the time the tumor is located, the cancer has spread beyond the initial site, making it more difficult to treat.

    • Warning Signs
    • Abdominal or back pain
    • Unexplained weight loss
    • Digestive problems
    • Light-colored stools
    • Jaundice
    • Pancreatic Cancer Risk Factors

Risk #1: Two or More Family Members Diagnosed With Pancreatic, Breast, Colon or Ovarian Cancer
Family history is an important risk factor since up to 10% of pancreatic cancers are inherited. Some genes associated with breast, colon and ovarian cancer, such as the BRCA2, may also put you at higher risk. If you have family members with a history of these diseases, particularly if they were diagnosed under the age of 50, consult your doctor, who may recommend seeing a genetic counselor.

Risk #2: Drinking More Than 1 Alcoholic Beverage a Day or More Than 2 Sodas Per Week
Chronic alcohol consumption – more than one drink a day for women and more than two drinks a day for men over an extended period of time – increases inflammation and can cause pancreatitis, which can lead to genetic damage of cells. Studies also show that people who drink two or more soft drinks per week also have an increased risk.

Risk #3: Type-2 Diabetes
Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not adequately produce or use insulin, a hormone normally made by the pancreas. Insulin helps the body utilize glucose (sugar), allowing glucose to enter cells and be used for energy. With diabetes, you see abnormal growth of insulin, which can lead to abnormal cell growth. Additionally, in people with diabetes, the glucose remains in the blood, resulting in high blood glucose levels, which can cause cell damage and long-term complications. Research shows that diabetes can either be a risk factor or symptom of pancreatic cancer. Most of the risk is found in people with type-2 diabetes; this type of diabetes most often starts in adulthood. If you have diabetes and you’re also at high risk for pancreatic cancer in terms of family history, inform your doctor who may want to do some blood or genetic testing.

Pancreatic Cancer Prevention Solutions

Solution #1: Reduce Fatty Red Meats and Processed Meats
Those who eat large amounts of red meat, processed meats and also meats cooked at a high temperature are believed to be more prone to pancreatic cancer. Reduce your intake of these foods high in saturated fat and nitrates.

Solution #2: Add 2 Servings of Red and Yellow Vegetables
As a general rule for cancer prevention, eat five servings of vegetables per day. Red and yellow vegetables – yams, tomatoes, squash, red and yellow peppers – are exceptional choices since they contain protective antioxidant-rich flavonoids and lycopene.

Solution #3: Curcumin (750mg/Twice a Day)
A naturally occurring substance found in turmeric, curcumin has been shown to inhibit the growth of pancreatic cancer cells and even prevent pancreatic cancer entirely in laboratory animals. New research shows that taking 750mg of this supplement daily can help stop the growth of pancreatic cancer.

LIVER CANCER: Could Your Favorite Foods Be Causing Liver Cancer?
Liver cancer rates as one of the scariest cancer diagnoses, with a dismal five-year patient survival rate of only 10%. Most patients don’t pick up on symptoms until liver cancer is in very late stages.

Warning Signs

    • Fatigue
    • Anemia
    • Upper abdomen or right shoulder pain
    • Jaundice
    • Unintended weight loss
    • Loss of appetite
    • Feeling very full after a small meal
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting
Liver Cancer Risk Factors

Risk #1: Apple-shaped Body Type
Obesity in general is a major risk factor for liver cancer. An apple-shaped body marked by visceral fat – fatty tissue around the abdomen – is associated with risk factors such as diabetes and fatty liver disease. This type of obesity also causes metabolic syndrome that can lead to liver cancer and a host of other diseases. Avoid excess visceral fat by maintaining a waist size that measures half your height. See Solution #1.

Risk Factor #2: Chronic Alcohol Consumption
Excessive drinking on a regular basis can lead to cirrhosis. A liver plagued by cirrhosis creates a ticking bomb for liver cancer. As the liver tries to repair inflamed tissue by regenerating and repairing, a cancer-producing mutation can occur. If you are going to drink, choose red wine which contains antioxidants that can help reduce inflammation in the liver.

Liver Cancer Prevention Solutions

Solution #1: Eliminate Added Sugars
Food with added sugars increases your risk for developing obesity and diabetes, thus increasing your risk for fatty liver, cirrhosis and liver cancer. To keep your liver healthy, check ingredient labels for hidden sugars such as high fructose corn syrup.

Solution #2: Hepatitis B Vaccine
Chronic hepatitis is the most common cause of liver cancer. If you get tattooed, have unprotected sex or have blood transfusions, you can be exposed to hepatitis B. Today, children are vaccinated for hepatitis B, but if you are in your 40s, it’s very likely you have never received this vaccine. If you partake in high-risk behaviors, ask your doctor about being vaccinated. You can be screened for liver cancer with blood and ultrasound testing.


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